Sunday, January 29, 2017

Shopping in Udaipur

Eggs with Truffles

So many choices

Lunch at Royal Repast

More choices

Almost but not quite

Pietra Dura Panels at the Lake Palace

We spent the day shopping. We have a favorite store in Udaipur. It is called Ganesh Handicraft Emporium. It is in a giant Haveli (large private home). That has been continually under the renovation. It consists of room after room of textiles, artifacts etc. One can pick the fabric and then clothes are made to order. In our case, we ordered some clothes in early afternoon. Last night at 10pm the salesperson from the store arrived at our hotel lobby for a fitting. I tried on the jacket I ordered and we decided on some modifications. He then left with them. I will probably have one more fitting, then he will ship them to the states.

We then went for a simple lunch in the courtyard of a very good restaurant our guide recommended: Royal Repast. Definitely liked the soup and service. We might return here for dinner.

On to the Gem Arts Emporium. Found a ring for Cathy, that almost was perfect. They are making one for her that will be perfect.

We then returned to the Lake Water Palace for a massage and drinks and dinner. A thought about this hotel. It is 350 years old and has been maintained in incredible shape. Of all the Taj’s we have ever stayed at it has the most history. Whatever modifications they have made to convert it from a Royal Palace to a Hotel have not destroyed the magnificence of this place. It is very special place.

Everywhere we have been in India, all anyone talks about is Trump. The guides and storekeepers all say "No American has anything to say about Trump". They are all scared. We are scared, I am glad we are out of the country, hope that they let us back into our country that has changed so much since we left. We vowed to everyone we will work hard to try and undo the damage he is doing, and remove him from office. 

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